

Video Clips

*most video clips mentioned on this page are in Japanese*


[Evil Bakura Dueling!!]   [Malik taking Control of Jonouchi.....from Battle City]   [Episode 91 Preview]


Note: To keep clips for yourself (that open online or in a player), let them open in your player, for example, Windows Media Player.  Then open up your 'Temporary Internet Folder' listed under the C:\Windows folder.  The find the files and move them out to somewhere safe.  Then they'll be yours forever and ever.  Just make sure you do this before you go offline, when you do that, the files are cleared usually.


At Advanced-anime

since I have nowhere near enough space..

[first American episode]   [second American episode]   [third American episode]

Download time: ~2 hrs w/56K modem


at Yugioh Uncensored

*go there to download*

[Anzu's Gym Teacher]   [Mokuba's Death]   [Dark Malik Prepares Mai's Death-Sentence]

[The Sentencing]   [The Summoning of Kuribo]   [Divide and Conquer]

[Dark Bakura Challenges Dark Malik]

description: Dark Malik walks into Rishid's room and says that as long as Rishid is around, Dark Malik wont be in total control over Malik. Dark Malik prepare to stab him to death, until Dark Bakura emerges from the shadows and stops him. Dark Bakura explains that he made a pact with Dark Malik's host and wont let him interfere with their deal. Dark Malik simply says "die" and tries to kill Dark Bakura, but Dark Bakura blocks his attack and tells him that he can't win, since he possesses the Millenium Ring. Dark Malik snickers and then says "Then we'll settle this like Millennium Item holders do.. with a Yami no Game" Dark Bakura more than happily accepts. The penalty: DEATH.

[Malik's Past (Part 1)]   [Malik's Past (Part 2)]   [End of the Death Duel (Part 1)]

[End of the Death Duel (Part 2)]   [Kaiba's Card Skills]   [Otogi's Grand Entrance]


At this other site




Sound Clips

[Marik’s spirit talking to Yami Bakura]   [Bakura talking to Y. Malik during duel]

[Bakura talking to Yami Marik during their duel -At this point Bakura is being accompanied/being helped by the spirit of normal Marik]

[Yami's duel, Yugi talking to Bakura, and Bakura explaining where he got the ring]




^arigatou to Sanctuary's mistress for sound clips^

^arigatou to a very helpful person who has taken the time to search out clips and send them to me, Michael^

^thanks to all the sites for taking the time to put up these clips for the DVD-less fans out there!^